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Schools shape childhood. Childhood determines one’s prognosis for productivity, independence, and mental health, throughout life. We only get one childhood… Yet, in public schools there is no independent oversight or quality control, children are abused and their academic needs are neglected. Good teachers are fleeing the profession.

Our Mission

Every Childhood Counts exists to expose abuse and academic neglect of children with special needs in schools and to raise awareness of the impact this has on children, families and our communities in order to drive positive change.

Abuse Uncovered

Teacher and Staff Shortages

Good teachers and school staff are fleeing the profession.

Special education teachers report that failings from administration resulted in segregating students with various disabilities into one class. (Source)

Teachers feel unsupported by administration in providing services to students. (Source)

School psychologists report pressure from administration to act unethically and refrain from recommending support or services for students who need them to access school. (Source)

Retention of teachers and support staff in schools at an all-time low in the US.

Academic Neglect

Schools Caught Misrepresenting Achievement. Still, no independent oversight is required nationally.

Former EPISD Superintendent Garcia Sentenced to Federal Prison

Are America’s rising high school graduation rates real—or just an accountability-fueled mirage?

Cheating Clarksdale principal’s license yanked for 20 years

In Flap About ACT Score Reporting, Montana Orders Review

Investigation: High Schools Hide Dropouts by Steering Them to Alternative Programs

State Investigation Reveals Widespread Cheating in Atlanta Schools

Former Atlanta Educators Sentenced to Prison for Roles in Test-Cheating Case

How high can graduation rates go? The story of one school rocked by scandal.

29 New Orleans seniors in grade-fixing scandal won’t graduate despite summer work, promises

In D.C., 34 Percent Of Graduates Received A Diploma Against District Policy

No Quality Control of Teaching or Teachers, Once They are on the Job. Still, no independent oversight is required nationally.

Does ESSA Require Teachers to Be Highly Qualified?

Concerns Raised Over ‘Highly Qualified’ Teachers

How the public is deceived about ‘highly qualified teachers’

Restraint and Seclusion

See how many restraint and seclusion incidents your school has reported to the federal government. Then, ask yourself how many incidents were not reported, and why there is no independent oversight.

Judicial Opinions

Judicial opinions can enforce rights or eliminate them.

Hear from Families

Mother realized she couldn’t trust her autistic son’s school upon realizing the school was using campus officers, restraints, seclusion, and threats of expulsion – all in lieu of proper support for his autism.

Hear from Advocates

Our Work

The work of Every Childhood Counts is urgent.

1. Extensive social media, press, print media, and film, for political and academic outreach to promote awareness of the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

2. An extensive digital archive of video-interviews of students, (current and former) families, educators and others, to promote awareness of the lack of due process afforded most families seeking safe effective education, and the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

3. Provide Continuing Education Curriculum for attorneys, judges, legislators, educators and providers, promoting awareness of the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

4. Partnerships with universities to maintain archives of the interviews to be broadly available to promote awareness of the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

5. Partner with student journalism groups to interview their peers regarding experiences of neglect and educational abuse in K-12 schools, to promote awareness of students’ first person experiences, and the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

Our Vision

Our vision: that all children have equal access to safe, enriching, inclusive, and effective education.

Write to Your Representative

Contact your local representatives. Let them know about the abuse and neglect that children with special needs are facing in public schools. Tell them about the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality education.


Tell Us About Yourself

Schedule an Interview

If you are interested in being interviewed but the location or time above does not work for you, fill in the form below.


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Board of Directors

Elena Engel

Board Member

Jana Zimmer


Andréa Marcus

Founder/Executive Director

Heather Gray


Geoff Alexander

Board Member

Social Media Posts

CLE Programming

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Hear from Experts

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