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Our Work

The work of Every Childhood Counts is urgent.

1. Extensive social media, press, print media, and film, for political and academic outreach to promote awareness of the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

2. An extensive digital archive of video-interviews of students, (current and former) families, educators and others, to promote awareness of the lack of due process afforded most families seeking safe effective education, and the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

3. Provide Continuing Education Curriculum for attorneys, judges, legislators, educators and providers, promoting awareness of the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

4. Partnerships with universities to maintain archives of the interviews to be broadly available to promote awareness of the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.

5. Partner with student journalism groups to interview their peers regarding experiences of neglect and educational abuse in K-12 schools, to promote awareness of students’ first person experiences, and the need for Independent oversight, transparency and enforcement of safe, quality, inclusive education.